2024 Fall Bouquet Subscription


Now Available!

Enjoy all of the beauty of Fall with our Fall Bouquet Subscription. Subscription includes 6 weekly Fall Bouquets in August and September and includes a Pumpkin grown right here on the farm!

Our Fall Subscription includes 6 weekly Fall Bouquets featuring beautiful fall colors and flowers including Sunflowers, Zinnias, Dahlias, Celosia and Ornamental Basil. It also includes a field grown pumpkin fresh from the farm as they are available.

Our flowers are all sustainably grown right here on the farm. That means no pesticides or chemicals touch our beautiful blooms.

Pick ups begin Thursday August 22, 2023 and will run for 6 consecutive weeks. Pick ups are currently only available at the farm on Thursdays 3pm - 7pm and at the The Coffee Exchange of Pleasant Ridge Thursdays 9am-5pm.

Please do not subscribe if you are unable to pick up at the farm or the Coffee Exchange on the dates specified.

The Farm: 12215 Hwy 127 N, Glencoe, Ky 41046

The Coffee Exchange of Pleasant Ridge: 6041 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45213

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Now Available!

Enjoy all of the beauty of Fall with our Fall Bouquet Subscription. Subscription includes 6 weekly Fall Bouquets in August and September and includes a Pumpkin grown right here on the farm!

Our Fall Subscription includes 6 weekly Fall Bouquets featuring beautiful fall colors and flowers including Sunflowers, Zinnias, Dahlias, Celosia and Ornamental Basil. It also includes a field grown pumpkin fresh from the farm as they are available.

Our flowers are all sustainably grown right here on the farm. That means no pesticides or chemicals touch our beautiful blooms.

Pick ups begin Thursday August 22, 2023 and will run for 6 consecutive weeks. Pick ups are currently only available at the farm on Thursdays 3pm - 7pm and at the The Coffee Exchange of Pleasant Ridge Thursdays 9am-5pm.

Please do not subscribe if you are unable to pick up at the farm or the Coffee Exchange on the dates specified.

The Farm: 12215 Hwy 127 N, Glencoe, Ky 41046

The Coffee Exchange of Pleasant Ridge: 6041 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45213